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    Class Actor<I, T, O, TS>Abstract

    An actor can act on messages of certain types and provide output of a certain type.

    The flow of an actor is as follows:

    1. Send a message to Actor#test to test if an actor can run that action.
    2. If the actor can reply to the message, let the actor run the action using Actor#run.

    An actor is typically subscribed to a bus, using which the applicability to an action can be tested.


    Type Parameters

    • I extends IAction

      The input type of an actor.

    • T extends IActorTest

      The test type of an actor.

    • O extends IActorOutput

      The output type of an actor.

    • TS = undefined

      The test side data type.

    Hierarchy (View Summary)




    • All enumerable properties from the args object are inherited to this actor.

      The actor will subscribe to the given bus when this constructor is called.

      Type Parameters


      • args: IActorArgs<I, T, O, TS>

        Arguments object

        • OptionalbeforeActors?: Actor<I, T, O, TS>[]

          Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

        • bus: Bus<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>

          The bus this actor subscribes to.

        • OptionalbusFailMessage?: string

          The message that will be configured in the bus for reporting failures.

          This message may be a template string that contains references to the executed action. For example, the following templated string is allowed: "RDF dereferencing failed: no actors could handle ${action.handle.mediaType}"

        • name: string

          The name for this actor.


      Returns Actor<I, T, O, TS>

      When required arguments are missing.


    beforeActors: Actor<I, T, O, TS>[] = []

    Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

    bus: Bus<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>

    The bus this actor subscribes to.

    name: string

    The name for this actor.



    • Run the given action on this actor.

      In most cases, this method should not be called directly. Instead, #runObservable should be called.


      • action: I

        The action to run.

      • sideData: TS

      Returns Promise<O>

      A promise that resolves to the run result.

    • Run the given action on this actor AND invokes the Bus#onRun method.


      • action: I

        The action to run.

      • sideData: TS

      Returns Promise<O>

      A promise that resolves to the run result.

    • Check if this actor can run the given action, without actually running it.


      • action: I

        The action to test.

      Returns Promise<TestResult<T, TS>>

      A promise that resolves to the test result.