Abstraction to allow grouping of metadata by dataset, in case multiple datasets expose their metadata through the same source URI and thus the same stream.

interface IDataset {
    getCardinality: (
        operation: Operation,
    ) => Promise<QueryResultCardinality>;
    resourceUriPattern?: RegExp;
    source: string;
    uri: string;
    vocabularies?: string[];


getCardinality: (operation: Operation) => Promise<QueryResultCardinality>

Calculate the cardinality of the given operation within this dataset.

Type declaration

resourceUriPattern?: RegExp

The regular expression that will be matched by all resource URIs within this dataset. This is equivalent to void:uriPatternRegex from the VoID specification.

source: string

The URI from which this dataset was discovered.

uri: string

The unique URI of this dataset.

vocabularies?: string[]

The exhaustive list of vocabularies used within this dataset, if provided. For VoID datasets, this is the collection of all void:vocabulary values.