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    Module @comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld - v4.1.0

    Comunica JSON-LD RDF Parse Actor

    npm version

    An RDF Parse actor that handles JSON-LD.

    This module is part of the Comunica framework, and should only be used by developers that want to build their own query engine.

    Click here if you just want to query with Comunica.

    $ yarn add @comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld

    After installing, this package can be added to your engine's configuration as follows:

      "@context": [
      "actors": [
          "@id": "urn:comunica:default:rdf-parse/actors#jsonld",
          "@type": "ActorRdfParseJsonLd",
          "priorityScale": 0.9,
          "mediatorHttp": { "@id": "urn:comunica:default:http/mediators#main" }
    • priorityScale: An optional priority for this parser, used for content negotiation, defaults to 1.
    • mediatorHttp: A mediator over the HTTP bus, for fetching remote JSON-LD contexts.

    If you want to pass custom options to the JSON-LD parser, you can use the '@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:parserOptions' context entry to provide parser options as a hash.

    If you want to override how the JSON-LD parser loads external contexts, you can pass a custom document loader via the '@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:documentLoader' context entry. This document loader must implement the IDocumentLoader interface.

    Via the '@comunica/actor-rdf-parse-jsonld:strictValues' context entry, you can set the JSON-LD parser to run in a more strict mode. This corresponds to the strictValues option in JSON-LD Streaming Parser.



