Module @comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs-lite - v4.1.0

Comunica SPARQL RDF/JS Lite

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Comunica SPARQL is a SPARQL query engine for JavaScript for querying RDF/JS sources that implement the Source interface.

This package has been optimized for a small bundle size when it is used in Web applications. At the time of writing, the minified size of this package is 648,88 KB (145,79 KB when gzipped).

This package excludes the ability to query external SPARQL endpoints via the SERVICE keyword, and does not allow serialization of results to formats such as SPARQL/JSON and SPARQL/XML. If such functionality would be needed, Comunica SPARQL RDF/JS should be used instead.

This module is part of the Comunica framework.

$ yarn add @comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs-lite
const QueryEngine = require('@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs-lite').QueryEngine;
const N3Store = require('n3').Store;
const DataFactory = require('n3').DataFactory;

// This can be any RDFJS source
const store = new N3Store();
DataFactory.namedNode('a'), DataFactory.namedNode('b'), DataFactory.namedNode('')));
DataFactory.namedNode('a'), DataFactory.namedNode('b'), DataFactory.namedNode('')));

// Create our engine, and query it.
// If you intend to query multiple times, be sure to cache your engine for optimal performance.
const myEngine = new QueryEngine();
const bindingsStream = await myEngine.queryBindings(`
SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {
?s ?p <>.
?s ?p ?o
} LIMIT 100`, {
sources: [store],

// Consume results as a stream (best performance)
bindingsStream.on('data', (binding) => {
console.log(binding.toString()); // Quick way to print bindings for testing

console.log(binding.has('s')); // Will be true

// Obtaining values
bindingsStream.on('end', () => {
// The data-listener will not be called anymore once we get here.
bindingsStream.on('error', (error) => {

// Consume results as async iterable (easier)
for await (const binding of bindingsStream) {

// Consume results as an array (easier)
const bindings = await bindingsStream.toArray();

Read more about querying in an application.

const QueryEngine = require('@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs-lite').QueryEngine;
const N3Store = require('n3').Store;

// This can be any RDFJS store
const store = new N3Store();

// Create our engine, and query it.
const myEngine = new QueryEngine();
const query = `
PREFIX dc: <>
<http://example/book1> dc:title "A new book" ;
dc:creator "A.N.Other" .

// Execute the update
await myEngine.queryVoid(query, {
sources: [store],

// Prints '2' => the store is updated

Read more about updating in an application.

The RDFJS Source interface by default only exposed the match method. In order to allow Comunica to produce more efficient query plans, you can optionally expose a countQuads method that has the same signature as match, but returns a number or Promise<number> that represents (an estimate of) the number of quads that would match the given quad pattern. Certain Source implementations may be able to provide an efficient implementation of this method, which would lead to better query performance.

If Comunica does not detect a countQuads method, it will fallback to a sub-optimal counting mechanism where match will be called again to manually count the number of matches.

