KeysHttp: {
    auth: ActionContextKey<string>;
    fetch: ActionContextKey<
            (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
            (input: string | Request | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
    httpBodyTimeout: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
    httpRetryCount: ActionContextKey<number>;
    httpRetryDelayFallback: ActionContextKey<number>;
    httpRetryDelayLimit: ActionContextKey<number>;
    httpRetryStatusCodes: ActionContextKey<number[]>;
    httpTimeout: ActionContextKey<number>;
    includeCredentials: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • auth: ActionContextKey<string>

    Authentication for a source as a "username:password"-pair.

  • fetch: ActionContextKey<
            (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
            (input: string | Request | URL, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;

    Fetch function implementation.

  • httpBodyTimeout: ActionContextKey<boolean>

    Makes the HTTP timeout not only apply until the response starts streaming in but until the response is fully consumed.

  • httpRetryCount: ActionContextKey<number>

    Number of retries to make on failed network calls. This only takes effect on errors thrown during the initial fetch() call and not while streaming the body.

  • httpRetryDelayFallback: ActionContextKey<number>

    The fallback retry delay in milliseconds. This value is used when a server does not send a delay value in the Retry-After header or if the header value is incorrectly formatted.

  • httpRetryDelayLimit: ActionContextKey<number>

    The upper limit for the retry delay in milliseconds. When a server requests a delay larger than this, the engine will consider it unavailable until the specified timestamp is close enough.

  • httpRetryStatusCodes: ActionContextKey<number[]>

    HTTP status codes that should always trigger a retry, regardless of the default behaviour. This can be used to, for example, force retries on server-side errors in the 500 range.

  • httpTimeout: ActionContextKey<number>

    HTTP request timeout in milliseconds.

  • includeCredentials: ActionContextKey<boolean>

    Include credentials flags.