KeysInitQuery: {
    baseIRI: ActionContextKey<string>;
    cliArgsHandlers: ActionContextKey<ICliArgsHandler[]>;
    dataFactory: ActionContextKey<ComunicaDataFactory>;
    distinctConstruct: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
    explain: ActionContextKey<QueryExplainMode>;
    extensionFunctionCreator: ActionContextKey<AsyncExtensionFunctionCreator>;
    extensionFunctions: ActionContextKey<
        Record<string, (args: Term[]) => Promise<Term>>,
    functionArgumentsCache: ActionContextKey<FunctionArgumentsCache>;
    graphqlSingularizeVariables: ActionContextKey<any>;
    initialBindings: ActionContextKey<Bindings>;
    invalidateCache: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
    jsonLdContext: ActionContextKey<any>;
    lenient: ActionContextKey<boolean>;
    physicalQueryPlanLogger: ActionContextKey<IPhysicalQueryPlanLogger>;
    physicalQueryPlanNode: ActionContextKey<any>;
    query: ActionContextKey<Operation>;
    queryFormat: ActionContextKey<QueryFormat>;
    querySourcesUnidentified: ActionContextKey<QuerySourceUnidentified[]>;
    queryString: ActionContextKey<string>;
    queryTimestamp: ActionContextKey<Date>;
    queryTimestampHighResolution: ActionContextKey<number>;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • baseIRI: ActionContextKey<string>

    The query's base IRI.

  • cliArgsHandlers: ActionContextKey<ICliArgsHandler[]>

    Enables manipulation of the CLI arguments and their processing.

  • dataFactory: ActionContextKey<ComunicaDataFactory>

    The data factory for creating terms and quads.

  • distinctConstruct: ActionContextKey<boolean>

    A boolean value denoting whether results should be deduplicated or not.

  • explain: ActionContextKey<QueryExplainMode>

    Explain mode of the query. Can be 'parsed', 'logical', 'physical', or 'physical-json'.

  • extensionFunctionCreator: ActionContextKey<AsyncExtensionFunctionCreator>

    Extension function creator for a given function IRI. Returned value should be an async function implementation. Undefined may be returned if no implementation exists for the given function IRI.

    The dictionary-based extensionFunctions context entry may be used instead, but not simultaneously.

  • extensionFunctions: ActionContextKey<Record<string, (args: Term[]) => Promise<Term>>>

    Dictionary of extension functions. Key is the IRI of the function, and value is the async function implementation.

    The callback-based extensionFunctionCreator context entry may be used instead, but not simultaneously.

  • functionArgumentsCache: ActionContextKey<FunctionArgumentsCache>

    Object to cache function argument overload resolutions. Defaults to an object that is reused across query executions.

  • graphqlSingularizeVariables: ActionContextKey<any>

    Which GraphQL bindings should be singularized.

  • initialBindings: ActionContextKey<Bindings>

    Variables that have to be pre-bound to values in the query.

  • invalidateCache: ActionContextKey<boolean>

    A boolean value denoting whether caching is disabled or not.

  • jsonLdContext: ActionContextKey<any>

    A JSON-LD context

  • lenient: ActionContextKey<boolean>

    If HTTP and parsing failures are ignored.

  • physicalQueryPlanLogger: ActionContextKey<IPhysicalQueryPlanLogger>

    Logs the used physical operators

  • physicalQueryPlanNode: ActionContextKey<any>

    The current physical operator within the query plan. This is used to pass parent-child relationships for invoking the query plan logger.

  • query: ActionContextKey<Operation>

    The original parsed query.

  • queryFormat: ActionContextKey<QueryFormat>

    The provided query's format. Defaults to { language: 'sparql', version: '1.1' }

  • querySourcesUnidentified: ActionContextKey<QuerySourceUnidentified[]>

    The unidentified sources to query over.

  • queryString: ActionContextKey<string>

    The original query string.

  • queryTimestamp: ActionContextKey<Date>

    A timestamp representing the current time. This is required for certain SPARQL operations such as NOW().

  • queryTimestampHighResolution: ActionContextKey<number>

    A high resolution timestamp representing the time elapsed since Performance.timeOrigin`. It can be used to precisely measure durations from the start of query execution.