Exposing your custom config as an npm package

On this page

    In this guide, we will wrap our custom config into a new npm package, so that we can expose it as a proper reusable query engine. This package will be able to do everything packages such as Comunica SPARQL (@comunica/query-sparql) can do. This means that this package will have a CLI tool, and that it will expose a JavaScript API for use in other packages.

    A fully functional example can be found here.

    1. Initialize a new package

    Initialize a new empty npm package as follows:

    $ npm init

    The simplest way to include all required Comunica dependencies is to extend from Comunica SPARQL. As such, add it as a dependency as follows:

    $ npm install @comunica/query-sparql
    If you want to create a more lightweight package by selecting only those dependencies that are absolutely required, you can make use of the Comunica Packager.

    We recommend to also install TypeScript as a dev dependency:

    $ npm install -D typescript

    Add a tsconfig.json file with the following contents:

      "compileOnSave": true,
      "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es2021",
        "lib": [
        "module": "commonjs",
        "resolveJsonModule": true,
        "strict": true,
        "strictFunctionTypes": true,
        "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
        "noImplicitOverride": true,
        "declaration": true,
        "downlevelIteration": true,
        "inlineSources": true,
        "preserveConstEnums": true,
        "removeComments": false,
        "sourceMap": true
      "include": [
      "exclude": [
    If your custom config also depends on other packages that are not included in Comunica SPARQL, you have to install them here as well.

    2. Add a config file

    2.1. Create config file

    We assume here that you already have created a custom config file. Click here to learn how to create one should you not have done this already.

    Create a config/ folder, and add your config file (config-default.json) in here.

    If your config file includes other config sets, you can include them in this folder as well. In this case, you also have to make sure to include the context file in components/context.jsonld.

    The only requirement here is that there is at least a file config/config-default.json.

    2.2. Declare config options in package.json

    If your config file is decomposed into several files, you may already have done this step.

    Before we can refer to other files within our config file, we have to add the "lsd:module" entry to our package.json file so that the config files can be found during engine initialization.

    Concretely, we need to add the following entry to package.json:

      "lsd:module": true
    If you want to learn more about what this config entry means, read our guide on Components.js, a dependency injection framework that Comunica uses.

    3. Compiling the config into JavaScript

    In order to make the query engine start as fast as possible, we will pre-compile our config file into a JavaScript file.

    We will configure this in such as way that we can still modify our config file if needed, and recompile the JavaScript file easily.

    For this, add the following scripts to our package.json file:

      "scripts": {
        "build:engine": "comunica-compile-config config/config-default.json > engine-default.js",
        "build:lib": "tsc",
        "build": "npm run build:lib && npm run build:engine",
        "prepare": "npm run build"

    You can use the build script later as follows:

    $ npm run build

    At this moment however, that will still fail due to missing files, but you can already do this now:

    $ npm run build:engine

    Afterwards, you should have an engine-default.js file in your folder.

    4. Creating command line tools

    In this step, we will create three command line tools:

    Each of these CLI tools are optional, and you only have to create those you want. For this, create the following files:


    #!/usr/bin/env node
    import { runArgsInProcessStatic } from '@comunica/runner-cli';


    #!/usr/bin/env node
    import { HttpServiceSparqlEndpoint } from '@comunica/actor-init-query';
    const defaultConfigPath = `${__dirname}/../config/config-default.json`;
    HttpServiceSparqlEndpoint.runArgsInProcess(process.argv.slice(2), process.stdout, process.stderr, `${__dirname}/../`, process.env, defaultConfigPath, code => process.exit(code))
      .catch(error => process.stderr.write(`${error.message}/n`));


    #!/usr/bin/env node
    import { runArgsInProcess } from '@comunica/runner-cli';
    runArgsInProcess(`${__dirname}/../`, `${__dirname}/../config/config-default.json`);

    As a final step, we have to make sure that we expose our CLI tools from the package. As such, add the following bin entries to package.json:

      "bin": {
        "my-comunica": "./bin/query.js",
        "my-comunica-http": "./bin/http.js",
        "my-comunica-dynamic": "./bin/query-dynamic.js"

    You can replace my-comunica with any name you want.

    If needed, custom arguments may be added to CLI tools.

    5. Exposing a JavaScript API

    In order to use your query engine as a dependency in other packages, we have to expose its JavaScript API. We will also immediately make it browser-friendly.

    For this, create the following files:


    import { QueryEngineBase } from '@comunica/actor-init-query';
    import type { ActorInitQueryBase } from '@comunica/actor-init-query';
    const engineDefault = require('../engine-default.js');
     * A Comunica SPARQL query engine.
    export class QueryEngine extends QueryEngineBase {
      public constructor(engine: ActorInitQueryBase = engineDefault()) {


    import { QueryEngineFactoryBase } from '@comunica/actor-init-query';
    import { QueryEngine } from './QueryEngine';
     * A factory that can create query engines dynamically based on a given config.
    export class QueryEngineFactory extends QueryEngineFactoryBase<QueryEngine> {
      public constructor() {
          actorInitQuery => new QueryEngine(actorInitQuery),


    export * from './QueryEngine';
    export * from './QueryEngineFactory';


    export * from './QueryEngine';

    As a final step, make sure to expose the following entries in your package.json file:

      "main": "lib/index.js",
      "types": "lib/index",
      "browser": {
        "./lib/index.js": "./lib/index-browser.js",
        "./lib/index.js.map": "./lib/index-browser.js.map"

    6. Indicating what files should be published

    Not all files should be published to npm when releasing the package, and not all files should be added to git repositories.

    For this create the following files:


    .npmignore MUST exist and MUST be empty.



    As a final step, add following entries to package.json:

      "files": [

    7. Publish to npm

    Now, you are ready to publish your package to npm, and allow other to use it via the CLI or via the JavaScript API.