TODO: rm this (and eslint-disable) once we remove the abstract media typed actor
@defaultNested {cbrp:components/ActorRuleParse.jsonld#ActorRuleParse_default_bus a cc:components/Bus.jsonld#Bus} bus
Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.
The bus this actor subscribes to.
A record of media types, with media type name as key, and its format IRI as value.
A record of media types, with media type name as key, and its priority as value. Priorities are numbers between [0, 1].
The name for this actor.
A multiplier for media type priorities. This can be used for keeping the original media types in place, but scaling all of their scores with a certain value.
Deinitialize this actor. This should be used for cleaning up things when the application is shut down, such as closing files and removing temporary files.
A promise that resolves when the actor has been deinitialized.
Initialize this actor. This should be used for doing things that take a while, such as opening files.
A promise that resolves when the actor has been initialized.
Run the given handle action on this actor.
The handle action to run.
The media type to run with.
An optional context.
A promise that resolves to the handle run result.
Run the given action on this actor AND invokes the {@link Bus#onRun} method.
The action to run.
A promise that resolves to the run result.
Get the logger from the given context.
An optional context.
The logger or undefined.
Generated using TypeDoc
A base actor for listening to Rule parse events that has fixed media types.
Actor types: