beforeActor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.
busThe bus this actor subscribes to.
nameThe name for this actor.
path: PathOptional
name: stringProtected
data: () => anyPushes all terms to iterator it
that are a solution of object predicate* ?o.
The algebra factory.
Term of where we start the predicate* search.
Predicate of the *-path.
The graph in which we search for the pattern.
Remembers the objects we've already searched for.
Iterator to push terms to.
Counts how many searches are in progress to close it when needed (when counter == 0).
The results metadata.
Returns an iterator with Bindings of the query subject predicate* ?o or subject predicate+ ?o If graph is a variable, it will also be in those bindings
Term of where we start the predicate* search.
Predicate of the *-path.
Variable of the zeroOrMore-query.
The graph in which we search for the pattern. (Possibly a variable)
The context to pass to sub-opertations
If the path operation is predicate*, otherwise it is predicate+.
The algebra factory.
The data factory.
Iterator to where all bindings of query should have been pushed.
Find all sources recursively contained in the given path operation.
Pushes all terms to iterator it
that are a solution of ?s predicate* ?o.
String representation of subjectVariable
String representation of objectVariable
Term of where we start the predicate* search.
Found solution for an object, start for the new step.
Predicate of the *-path.
The graph in which we search for the pattern.
Remembers solutions for when objectVal is already been calculated, can be reused when same objectVal occurs
Remembers the pairs we've already searched for, can stop searching if so.
Iterator to push terms to.
Counts how many searches are in progress to close it when needed (when counter == 0).
The algebra factory.
The bindings factory.
All solutions of query should have been pushed to it by then.
data: () => anyProtected
data: () => anyProtected
data: () => anyProtected
data: () => anyProtected
data: () => anyProtected
data: () => anyRun the given action on this actor.
In most cases, this method should not be called directly. Instead, #runObservable should be called.
The action to run.
A promise that resolves to the run result.
Run the given action on this actor AND invokes the Bus#onRun method.
The action to run.
A promise that resolves to the run result.
Check if this actor can run the given action, without actually running it.
The action to test.
A promise that resolves to the test result.
getGet the logger from the given context.
An optional context.
The logger or undefined.
A comunica Path Link Query Operation Actor.