A Multi Smallest RDF Join Actor. It accepts 3 or more streams, joins the smallest two, and joins the result with the remaining streams.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

The bus this actor subscribes to.

canHandleUndefs: boolean

If this actor can handle undefs overlapping variable bindings.

includeInLogs: boolean = true

If this actor will be logged in the debugger and physical query plan logger

isLeaf: boolean

If this join operator will not invoke any other join or query operations below, and can therefore be considered a leaf of the join plan.

limitEntries: number

Can be used by subclasses to indicate the max or min number of streams that can be joined. 0 for infinity. By default, this indicates the max number, but can be inverted by setting limitEntriesMin to true.

limitEntriesMin: boolean

If true, the limitEntries field is a lower limit, otherwise, it is an upper limit.

logicalType: LogicalJoinType
mediatorJoin: MediatorRdfJoin
mediatorJoinEntriesSort: MediatorRdfJoinEntriesSort
mediatorJoinSelectivity: MediatorRdfJoinSelectivity
name: string

The name for this actor.

physicalName: string
requiresVariableOverlap?: boolean

If this join operator must only be used for join entries with (at least partially) common variables.
