Class ActorDereferenceParse<S, K, M>Abstract

An abstract actor that handles dereference and parse actions.

Actor types: Input: IActionDereferenceParse: A URL. Test: Output: IActorDereferenceParseOutput: A data stream of type output by the Parser.

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)



beforeActors: Actor<
    IActorDereferenceParseOutput<S, M>,
>[] = []

Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

bus: Bus<
        IActorDereferenceParseOutput<S, M>,
    IActorDereferenceParseOutput<S, M>,

The bus this actor subscribes to.

mediaMappings: Record<string, string>
mediatorDereference: MediatorDereference
mediatorParse: MediateMediaTyped<
    IActorParseOutput<S, M>,
mediatorParseMediatypes: MediateMediaTypes
name: string

The name for this actor.

