interface IActorExtractLinksSolidTypeIndexArgs {
    actorInitQuery: ActorInitQueryBase;
    beforeActors?: Actor<
    bus: Bus<
        Actor<IActionExtractLinks, IActorTest, IActorExtractLinksOutput>,
    busFailMessage?: string;
    inference: boolean;
    mediatorDereferenceRdf: MediatorDereferenceRdf;
    name: string;
    onlyMatchingTypes: boolean;
    typeIndexPredicates: string[];



actorInitQuery: ActorInitQueryBase

An init query actor that is used to query shapes.

beforeActors?: Actor<IActionExtractLinks, IActorTest, IActorExtractLinksOutput>[]

Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

bus: Bus<
    Actor<IActionExtractLinks, IActorTest, IActorExtractLinksOutput>,

The bus this actor subscribes to.

busFailMessage?: string

The message that will be configured in the bus for reporting failures.

This message may be a template string that contains references to the executed action. For example, the following templated string is allowed: "RDF dereferencing failed: no actors could handle ${action.handle.mediaType}"

inference: boolean

If the domains of query predicates will be considered when checking the type index. If false, no predicates will be considered.

mediatorDereferenceRdf: MediatorDereferenceRdf

The Dereference RDF mediator

name: string

The name for this actor.

onlyMatchingTypes: boolean

If only those type index entries matching with the current query should be considered. If false, all links within the type index entries will be followed.

typeIndexPredicates: string[]

The type index predicate URLs that will be followed.
