An RDF Metadata Extract actor that collects all links to types from the Solid type index.
This module is part of the Comunica framework, and should only be used by developers that want to build their own query engine.
Click here if you just want to query with Comunica.
$ yarn add @comunica/actor-extract-links-solid-type-index
After installing, this package can be added to your engine's configuration as follows:
"@context": [
"actors": [
"@id": "urn:comunica:default:extract-links/actors#solid-type-index",
"@type": "ActorExtractLinksSolidTypeIndex",
"mediatorDereferenceRdf": { "@id": "urn:comunica:default:dereference-rdf/mediators#main" },
: The type index predicate URLs that will be followed, defaults to
: If only those type index entries matching with the current query should be considered. If false, all links within the type index entries will be followed. Defaults to true.actorInitQuery
: An instance of ActorInitQuery, defaults to urn:comunica:default:init/actors#query
: A mediator over the Dereference RDF bus.If the onlyMatchingTypes
option is true (which it is by default), then only those type links will be extracted
that match with at least one pattern within the query.
For example, assuming the following type index contents:
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix solid: .
@prefix bookm: .
a solid:TypeRegistration;
solid:forClass bookm:Bookmark;
solid:instance .
The link to bookmarks.ttl
will only be followed
if the query requests contains the _:any rdf:type bookm:Bookmark
For example, the link will be followed for the following query:
PREFIX bookm:
?bookmark a bookm:Bookmark;
bookm:hasTopic ?topic.