Class ActorQueryOperationTypedMediated<O>Abstract

A base implementation for query operation actors for a specific operation type that have a query operation mediator.

Type Parameters

  • O extends Algebra.Operation

Hierarchy (view full)




Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

The bus this actor subscribes to.

mediatorQueryOperation: MediatorQueryOperation
name: string

The name for this actor.


operationName: string


  • Deinitialize this actor. This should be used for cleaning up things when the application is shut down, such as closing files and removing temporary files.

    Returns Promise<any>

    A promise that resolves when the actor has been deinitialized.

  • Check if the given shape accepts the given query operation.


    • shape: FragmentSelectorShape

      A shape to test the query operation against.

    • operation: Operation

      A query operation to test.

    • Optional options: {
          filterBindings?: boolean;
          joinBindings?: boolean;

      Additional options to consider.

      • Optional filterBindings?: boolean

        If additional bindings will be pushed down to the source for filtering.

      • Optional joinBindings?: boolean

        If additional bindings will be pushed down to the source for joining.

    Returns boolean